St Bartholomew’s Church in Barbon is a great location for learning to ring church bells. We have recently had a lot of work done in the tower. In the ringing room we have new heaters and improved lighting to make it more comfortable, especially in winter.
The church was built in 1891-3 with a bell frame for 6 bells – but only 4 bells were fitted. In 2005 a further two bells were added, donated by a local parishioner. The spacious ringing room makes it particularly suitable for learning and practising.
Anyone can learn to ring and the process is fun and rewarding. There’s no commitment and you can only know what it’s like by having a go. It’s not physically hard work, strength is not required and Quasimodo is not representative of a typical bell ringer!
Find out more here: cccbr.org.uk/bellringing/learn.
Also, please spare a moment to watch the short video about bell ringing is here. The opening sequences are filmed here at Barbon.
More information is here. For enquiries please contact bells@barbon.org.uk.